

来源:天津青竹学院 发布时间:2023/6/11 15:06:39

      天津武清区雅思培训机构哪家好 ?小编推荐青竹学院,青竹学院自创建开始就立志于将国际教育理念和教育资源输送给年轻的学子,同时将年轻的学子输出到国外学府,打造具备全面竞争力的国际人才.青竹学院价值观理念01一切以客户为中心以人为本,客户至上,一直致力于打造周到的服务体验和客户口碑.02个性化服务专注于解决国际教育领域中学生各项诉求问题,以获得学校录取,实现留学成功,成为国际人才为我们工作的初心起点,通过十几年的业内经验,强大的院校合作资源.下面是青竹教育为大家分享的学习心得.小编为大家分享一段咨讯.




  I would like to work as a senior secretary in the education ministry of the Government. This position requires a very talented person with experience who would be able to take necessary steps to take the education sector ahead. Mainly I want to work in this position to contribute to the education sector of the country. A comprehensive training on our education system and various aspects of the education ministry would be required. Apart from training some experience on education sector would be required as well.

  This job does not pay a big salary but if someone wants to contribute for the advancement of the country, s/he would have plenty of opportunities to serve the nation by working in this position and improving the most important sector of the country.

  I feel the necessity of putting the utmost importance in the education sector and I know how changing the policy and rules in education sector can contribute towards the betterment of the whole nation. I am attracted to this job not because the salary, power or the facilities it would offer rather for the opportunities it would offer to serve the nation and in the most important part of the nation.

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  Describe your dream job

  Describe a job you think is interesting

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